Can Bearded Dragons Eat Applesauce?

Apples are a source of dietary fiber, which can aid in digestion, and they also contain vitamins like Vitamin C and A.

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Applesauce?
Image credit by FatihAKYILDIZ from Getty Images and by Danny Smythe

Key Takeaways:

  • Bearded dragons can consume applesauce in moderation as a treat.
  • Applesauce should be free from added sugars and preservatives.
  • Always consult with a veterinarian for personalized advice on your bearded dragon's diet.

As omnivores, beardies enjoy a varied diet, but it's crucial for owners to understand what is safe and what could be potentially harmful to their scaly companions. Can they eat applesauce? This article delves into the suitability of applesauce in a bearded dragon's diet, providing all the necessary information for responsible feeding practices.

Understanding Bearded Dragon Nutrition

Bearded dragons require a balanced diet consisting of insects, vegetables, and occasional fruits to meet their nutritional needs. The right diet ensures they get a mix of proteins, vitamins, and minerals essential for their health. While fruits are typically given as treats due to their high sugar content, it's important to know which fruits are safe and in what form they can be offered.

Is Applesauce Safe for Bearded Dragons?

Applesauce can be a tasty treat for bearded dragons, but it should be given in moderation. The primary concern with applesauce is its sugar content, which can lead to obesity and dental issues if consumed in excess. Additionally, store-bought applesauce often contains added sugars and preservatives that are not suitable for bearded dragons. If you decide to feed your pet applesauce, the very best choice is applesauce that is organic and free from any additives.

The Benefits of Applesauce for Bearded Dragons

In small amounts, applesauce can provide some nutritional benefits to bearded dragons. Apples are a source of dietary fiber, which can aid in digestion, and they also contain vitamins like Vitamin C and A. However, these benefits are only valuable when applesauce is served as an occasional treat rather than a staple in their diet.

How to Serve Applesauce to Your Bearded Dragon

When offering applesauce to your bearded dragon, it should be served at room temperature and in small quantities. A teaspoon of unsweetened, preservative-free applesauce is sufficient. It's also advisable to mix the applesauce with other chopped fruits and vegetables to create a more balanced treat.

The Risks of Feeding Applesauce to Bearded Dragons

The main risks associated with feeding applesauce to bearded dragons include potential exposure to pesticides, the possibility of digestive issues due to high sugar content, and the risk of nutritional imbalances if fed too frequently. To minimize these risks, always choose organic applesauce and limit its frequency in your bearded dragon's diet.

Alternatives to Applesauce in a Bearded Dragon's Diet

If you're looking for alternatives to applesauce, consider offering fresh, chopped apples or other bearded dragon-safe fruits like berries, melons, and peaches. These can provide similar nutritional benefits without the added sugars found in applesauce. Always remember to wash the fruits thoroughly and serve them in appropriate sizes.

Expert Advice on Feeding Bearded Dragons

Reptile veterinarians can offer valuable advice on the best diet for your bearded dragon. They can provide personalized recommendations based on your pet's age, size, and health status. Regular health check-ups can help ensure your bearded dragon remains healthy and happy.

Signs of digestive distress or changes in appetite should prompt a consultation with a veterinarian. Don't hesitate to reach out to these professionals for guidance on incorporating treats like applesauce into your bearded dragon's diet.

The Importance of a Varied Diet for Bearded Dragons

Developing a balanced diet plan for your bearded dragon is essential for their overall health. This plan should prioritize live insects and vegetables, with fruits like applesauce serving as an occasional treat. By planning a varied diet for your bearded dragon, you can help prevent nutritional deficiencies and maintain their well-being.


Applesauce, without added sugars or preservatives, can be a delightful treat for bearded dragons when offered in moderation. It's essential to consider the sugar content and potential risks before including applesauce in your pet's diet. Always prioritize a varied and balanced diet, and consult with a veterinarian for tailored dietary advice. By doing so, you can enjoy the company of a healthy and content bearded dragon.

FAQ Section

Q: How often can I feed my bearded dragon applesauce? A: Applesauce should be given as an occasional treat, not more than once a week, to avoid any health issues related to its sugar content.

Q: Can bearded dragons eat applesauce with cinnamon or other spices? A: No, it's best to avoid feeding bearded dragons applesauce with added spices, as these can be harmful to their digestive system.

Q: Should I feed my bearded dragon homemade or store-bought applesauce? A: If you choose to feed applesauce, homemade is preferable as you can ensure it's free from added sugars and preservatives. If you opt for store-bought, an organic, unsweetened variety is best.