How Big Do Bearded Dragons Get?

From their humble beginnings as tiny hatchlings to their impressive adult sizes, these creatures are a fascinating study in reptilian growth.

How Big Do Bearded Dragons Get?
Photo by sebastiaan stam on Unsplash

Key Takeaways:

  • Discover the average size range of adult Bearded dragons and factors that influence their growth.
  • Learn about the differences in size between male and female Bearded dragons.
  • Understand the importance of diet, habitat, and genetics in achieving their maximum growth potential.

Bearded dragons, those charismatic reptilian rock stars of the pet world, are known for their expressive faces and chillaxed demeanor. But when it comes to their size, there's a lot more than meets the eye. Lets take a look at the Bearded dragon's growth chart.

The Hatchling Phase: Baby Beardies Begin

When Bearded dragons hatch, they're about as long as a human finger – adorable, right? These tiny Beardies emerge from their eggs measuring a mere 3 to 4 inches. But don't let their size fool you; these little lizards are on a fast track to growth. In their first few months, they can grow up to an inch per week! It's like watching a mini monster movie where the creature keeps getting bigger, but thankfully, without the city destruction.

The Juvenile Rapid Growth Rollercoaster

Juvenile Bearded dragons are like teenagers – they eat you out of house and home. During this stage, which spans from 2 to 7 months, they can reach up to 16 inches in length. This is when they start to show off their personalities, too, and you'll notice that they're not just growing in size, but in sass as well.

Adult Bearded Dragon Sizes

Now, let's talk turkey – or should we say, lizard. Adult Bearded dragons typically range from 18 to 24 inches, with males often on the larger end of the spectrum. For a lizard, that's pretty impressive.

Size Differences in Males and Females

In the world of Bearded dragons, size isn't just a number – it's a gender thing, too. Males are the show-offs of the species, reaching lengths of up to 24 inches, while females are more petite, maxing out around 20 inches. It's as if the males are puffing up their beards and saying, "Look at me, I'm the big lizard on the log!"

You Are What You Eat

If you want your Bearded dragon to reach its full potential, you've got to feed it right. A balanced diet of leafy greens, vegetables, and live insects is like the lizard version of a bodybuilder's meal plan. Skimp on their nutrition, and they might just stay in the kiddie pool of the growth chart.

Habitat Hacks: Room to Grow

Think of a Bearded dragon's habitat as its personal gym and spa – it needs space to stretch, bask, and grow. A cramped tank is like trying to do yoga in a broom closet; it's just not going to work. Give them a roomy enclosure, and they'll have the space they need to grow both in length and in character.

Genetics: The DNA Lottery

Just like humans, Bearded dragons are at the mercy of their genes. Some are destined to be the Shaquille O'Neal of the species, while others are more of a Danny DeVito. You can't fight genetics, but with proper care, every Beardie can be a heavyweight in its own right.

Overfeeding: A Cautionary Tale

Overfeeding your Bearded dragon in the hopes of supersizing it can backfire spectacularly. Instead of a gentle giant, you might end up with an overweight lizard with health issues. It's like feeding a mogwai after midnight; you just don't do it.

The Senior Spread

As Bearded dragons age, they don't get taller, but they might get a bit wider. Think of it as their retirement bod. They've worked hard, caught a lot of crickets, and now they're just enjoying the good life, basking under their heat lamp with a belly full of snacks.


In the grand scheme of things, Bearded dragons are not the largest pets you could bring into your home, but they certainly have a big presence. From their humble beginnings as tiny hatchlings to their impressive adult sizes, these creatures are a fascinating study in reptilian growth. Remember, their ultimate size is a combination of diet, habitat, genetics, and care. Treat them well, and they'll grow to be the bearded beauties you're hoping for.

FAQ Section

Q: At what age is a Bearded dragon fully grown? A: Bearded dragons typically reach their full size by the age of 18 months to 2 years. However, they may continue to fill out and gain a bit of girth as they mature.

Q: Can Bearded dragons grow bigger than 24 inches? A: While it's uncommon, some Bearded dragons can exceed 24 inches, but this is usually the result of exceptional genetics or, in some cases, overfeeding.

Q: How can I tell if my Bearded dragon is growing properly? A: Regularly measure your Bearded dragon and monitor its weight. A healthy growth curve and weight gain are good indicators. If you're concerned, consult a veterinarian who specializes in reptiles.